“Annabel Lee” comic in Mamut

mamut_02_blog1My adaptation of Edgar Allan Poe’s “Annable Lee,” appears in the latest issue of Mamut, a semi-annual  Spanish-language magazine based out of Barcelona and dedicated to sci-fi, fantasy and horror culture. It’s a thrill for me to be included in Mamut, whose tastes in art literature couldn’t be more up my alley. My comic appears in the original English, but is preceded by a beautiful Spanish translation of Poe’s last completed poem by Fernando Maristany (1918).

You can read this latest issue in PDF form here: http://revistamamut.com/2016/04/03/mamut-2-de-generados/

Or check out the ISSUU version here: http://revistamamut.com/mamut-2-de-generados-version-issuu/

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1 Response to “Annabel Lee” comic in Mamut

  1. Claire Warren says:

    When will …Prufrock be available? I’m dying here — and want four copies, maybe five. C.

    Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2016 16:51:52 +0000 To: claireswarren@msn.com

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