“Stairs Appear in a Hole Outside of Town” by John Philip Johnson

Here is the complete version of my adaptation of an amazing poem by John Philip Johnson. The comic is to be included in a collection of graphic adaptations of Johnson’s work by various artists, for which I am also designing the cover. A Kickstarter campaign has recently been set up to finance the production of this grounbreaking hybrid comic/poetry book. The campaign is off to a great start, but the more money we raise, the more copies we can print up and distribute. Even just a few dollars helps! Please click on the link on the link below for more information about the project and about contributing to the campaign: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1528463848/stairs-appear-in-a-hole-outside-of-town



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7 Responses to “Stairs Appear in a Hole Outside of Town” by John Philip Johnson

  1. James says:

    Just contributed


  2. James says:

    Just contributed! Thanks for the heads up!


  3. Alice says:

    Est-ce que la dernière strophe est une répétition ou une page en double?


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