“The World Is Too Much With Us” by William Wordsworth

My comics adaptation of William Wordsworth’s sonnet “The World Is Too Much With Us” (composed circa 1802), in which the Romantic poet decries the societal changes brought about by the Industrial Revolution. This comic originally appeared in the January 2017 issue of the Italian poetry magazine Atelier, accompanied by an Italian translation by Francesca Benocci. This collaborative project was part of the exploratory “Partners in Rhyme” series, in which I adapted some short English-language poems into comics which Francesca would then translate into Italian in such a way as to take into account my accompanying illustrations: http://www.atelierpoesia.it/portal/it/atelierpoesia-it-mul/atelier-mul/item/515-atelier-84-il-nobel-e-sanremo
And here is a picture of yours truly at Dove Cottage, Wordsworth’s home in Grasmere in the English Lake District, which I happened to visit this July.

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13 Responses to “The World Is Too Much With Us” by William Wordsworth

  1. Marco Vins Della Motta says:

    Upon finishing reading it, my reaction was an awestruck, or rather dumbstruck, “Wow! Holy shit, wow!”. Chapeau, mon frère! I’m absolutely certain Wordsworth would agree with me were he alive and well today.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Claire Warren says:

    Is this available for sale? I really want this AND …Prufrock. What can I do?




  3. Anonymous says:

    Excellent indeed! ( Check out the video clip of Stromae’s song “Carmen”)


  4. Anonymous says:



  5. Dr. Alan Crowley says:

    Thank you Julian!

    This is a teacher’s dream. Not only does it reinterpret and make more accessible the poem for today’s students, but it also provides an additional text for students to compare and interpret. I would love to have students collaborate by making their own panels/ storyboards for other poems. As a teacher of poetry and writing, and a huge fan of the English Romantics, I am so grateful for all the work you do!

    Liked by 1 person

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